north slocan trails society

NSTS news archive

  • i-CAT Survey

    i-CAT Survey

    A working committee of the North Slocan Trails Society is currently trying to move forward the idea of a cycling/pedestrian connection between New Denver and Silverton. The i-CAT (inter-community active transportation) Link would focus on safe, direct, year-round transportation physically separated from traffic. It would likely run parallel to Highway 6, thus minimizing the obstacles…

  • Butter Me (not quite) Up

    Butter Me (not quite) Up

    Butter Me Up is not yet finished and open to ride, but it’s getting close. Please hold off for the next two weeks so it is safe and packed and finished – any riding now could damage the soggy trail surface before it is finished and you really don’t want to bump into a machine…

  • Updating Signage

    Updating Signage

    As part of a collaborative signage project with the Sandon Historical Society we reached out to Wayne McCrory of the Valhalla Wilderness Society to replace some of the photos in the K&S Trail kiosk in Three Forks. The Valhalla Wilderness Society installed the kiosks 20 years ago this year! There are plans for additional interpretive…

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